Sunday, October 2, 2011

Late Night SoundOFF, Everybody Say Cootah!


Going to keep this brief (rare for me I know) since SoundOFF was on way past all our bed times thanks to the Sunday night NFL game that would never end.

-Getting a lot of emails, some bordering on trash, from Hawk fans gleeful over ISU's loss.  Sugar coat it anyway you want but reality is that ISU has scoreboard on you.  How does reveling in a bad Cyclone loss, or hoping ISU tanks the rest of the way make Iowa look any better (it will make them look worse actually).
-Nothing to worry about in Ames yet.  If the awful starts continue much longer, well.....
-Aaron Rodgers plays like a video game.
-Detroit's Lions and Tigers are for real.
-Kansas City won their first game.  Probably cost them Andrew Luck.  So maybe it's a loss?
-There might not be a better 0-4 team anywhere than the Vikings.  They've lost their games by an average of just under four points each team.
-Gritty gutty effort by the Cardinals to rally on Cliff Lee.  We've got a series.
-As if there aren't enough reasons to hope Iowa beats Nebraska, after watching SoundOFF, I can't wait to see Cooter Ray Cornholer's meltdown after a Hawkeye win.  So long as he doesn't ever whip out his "comp-ass" on air.

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