Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Soak in a sub tub on a snowy day

I'm sure you must be entirely sick of hearing me say this by now, but it snowed here last night. Again. I think just the fact that we live in Maryland - not Alaska, not Vermont - keeps me so surprised each time we get dumped with the cold white stuff. This is at least our fifth snow this season!

Anyway, I hope all this frosty precipitation didn't mess up your morning commute. On a chilly day like today, all I can seem to think of is cuddling up in bed, or sitting by a fireplace drinking hot tea, or taking a really warm shower. Wow, that all sounded so old-lady-ish, didn't it?

While this bathtub fits in nicely with the aforementioned winter hibernation tactics, there's nothing elderly about it. In fact, it would be great for kids. I mean, who wouldn't want a porthole in their bathtub?:

The Porthole Bathtub by Water Monopoly, as seen on Beach Bungalow 8

As described on their website: "The porthole bath is an original French double ended bath with two portholes cut into the side. It makes a wonderful piece for children's bathrooms, or it can be used to create a bathroom with a nautical theme. The bath can also be supplied without portholes, and has a variety of different feet available."

But why wouldn't you want fun portholes?

(Oh wait, unless you don't want someone to walk in and get a lovely view of your saddlebags all splayed out. Ew. Why do I think of these things?? Let's keep this tub for the kids only for now, I suppose.)

I think this cute blue tub is the only thing this ideal bathroom is missing.

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