I talked to former Des Moines Buccaneer Peter Stoykewych Wednesday. Peter was the lone Buc drafted last year. The Atlanta Thrashers picked Stoykewych, and as fate would have it, the Thrashers are moving to hockey-crazed Winnipeg, which is Stoykewych's hometown. He was in Winnipeg for our interview and he said it's hard to describe what it means to the city that the NHL is returning. Let's hope they call the team the Jets again...
There are ugly allegations in the most recent arrest of former Des Moines Hoover basketball star Reggie White. Many people didn't think White should play again after the state fair incident, and though White was suspended, he returned for the most important part of the schedule...
The new phenomenon "Planking" is stupid...
(photo courtesy of planking.mobi)
Ratings reversal. Turns out Coca-Cola 600 did beat the Indianapolis 500 when all the numbers came in...
Wednesday was a perfect day of weather. At least in Iowa. Tornadoes in Massachusetts? Most of my relatives are from Mass, and I grew up part of the way in Vermont--- I don't remember any tornado talk. Ever. What in the world is going on?...
Reports now that Terrelle Pryor was driving with a suspended license... Ohio State fans are ready for this guy to just go away...
I think the Ohio State job is Urban Meyer's if he wants it. Notice he said he won't pursue any jobs for this season. Bo Pelini is too fiery for The Ohio State's tastes...
Here's a viewer email that just dropped into my inbox:
I can’t believe you didn’t cover the Girls State Golf Tournament. There were 7 or 8 teams from your viewing area and there was NOTHING about it on your channel. You did have a ton of time spent on the Pro/Am. Give me a break, you have viewers with teams in the State Tournament and your talking about a bunch of rich guys that pay big bucks to play golf. There were stations from Mason City and Cedar Falls but nothing from Des Moines. You should be ashamed of yourselves! And just for your info I do not have any kids or Grandkids that were involved in this event, but I did see a lot of very nice young women working hard to play their best. Thirty seconds during a broadcast would have at least supported these girls. I hope I don’t hear that you claim to be a leader in covering local sports because your NOT!
Bill B------ (I removed last name to protect the guilty)
Here's the thing: the girls state golf tournament was our lead sports story! This guy apparently watched some other station, and then sent me this vitriol. However, no station deserves this letter. Ever...
I just heard the loudest cheer of the year. Canucks score with 18 seconds to play. Newscast starts on time. I would have gladly stayed an OT or two for a Bruins win, but I understand...
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