Tuesday, June 28, 2011

James VandenGriffith, IceBorg's Hot Ride, Planking on the Radio

Every time I see James Vandenberg without his helmet on, I think of Opie from The Andy Griffith Show.
Opie and James. It's a stone cold look alike.
The I-Cubs won two games in one day, without benefit of a double-header. Monday night's game went 15 innings. It didn't end until Midnight. Then the Cubs had to turn around and play a noon game. No sweat. They've now won 7 in a row.

It's fitting that on a day when the I-Cubs won two games, the C-Cubs lost two games. 

Gagne's record may never be touched.
Joel Hanrahan is now 23-for-23 in saves. That's fantastic, but it's still nowhere near the Major League record. Dodgers closer, Eric Gagne, saved 63 straight from 2002 to 2003. I don't think anyone will ever top that.
The IceBorg stepped into a racecar for the first time in his life, Tuesday. NASCAR driver Ricky Stenhouse Jr. took him around the Iowa Speedway at 170mph. Even though Zach wasn't driving, he says he has a new respect for drivers. I feel the same way. Last year, I was able to ride shotgun, and drive a stock car. It's amazing how hard it is to turn the steering wheel, and how hot it gets inside the cab. Some drivers lose as much as 15 pounds of fluid, each race.
North Korea had an excuse for losing to Team USA, 2-0, in the Women's World Cup --- lightning. The team claims that several of its players were struck by lightning, earlier in the month, and they weren't able to play as well as they could have. This story doesn't even need a punch line.

At 2:35pm, I became the first person
to ever plank on the radio.
Keith blogged about 'planking' a few weeks ago, but I didn't have any idea what it was, until today. Murph n Andy intern, Zach Spears (offensive lineman on ISU football team), said that all of his teammates were doing it this morning. I thought that it was something that gave you some sort of high, like the goof balls that asphyxiate themselves for fun, but there's no fun involved - ni fact, it hurts. All it is, is a test in core strength and endurance. 

Sometimes I wonder if the Tea Party is just some kind of a prank that I'm not in on.

After 30 years, the channel 13 newsroom is getting a much-needed carpet makeover. I never thought I could be this excited for new carpet, but I am. 

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